Welcome to my ideas spaces

I post on things I am thinking about, reading, writing and researching. Often these are unfiltered thoughts and works in progress. In other words, my thoughts & ideas are perpetually under construction. Some are posted quickly and will  probably have  spelling and grammatical errors (sorry about that)….try to look beyond that and lets engage.

My areas of research, writing & presentations revolve around diffusion of innovations in teaching and learning, Mobile Learning, Design for Mobile Devices, Indigenous knowledge, Comparative International Education, and the role of culture in the development and evaluation of learning technologies.

Technologies Accomplishing the Goals of Social Media 

Technology has remodeled and influenced many aspects of people's lives. Electronic devices are not additional but are becoming the basic need for everyone. Every individual is attached to their electronic devices, and they prefer to confine themselves in a bubble so that they can use technology without any interruption. The use of social media has increased tremendously to the extent of engaging almost one-third of the world’s population as of January 2016 (WeAreSocial, 2016). Advancements of  technology such as the fast processing power and state of the art touch screens in mobile devices might bring positive shifts in society, but we should not refute the threat that technology brings.  



Next Blog Coming Soon...

Sea ut omnes euismod. Stet reque no cum. Ei vim omnesque constituam. Sea clita oblique eu, per no accumsan posidonium, cu congue nonumes sea.
Ea duo nusquam indoctum patrioque, consul ornatus hendrerit vis an. Iuvaret saperet splendide vix an, veri aliquam apeirian sit cu. Enim vidit labitur mei te. Ferri primis antiopam an his, eam consulatu intellegam ei. 

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